Soil and Water Conservation Districts administer Virginia’s Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program, with technical assistance from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Cooperation between agencies and sharing technical expertise enables the Headwaters District to assist the community in protecting its natural resources.

Headwaters SWCD has four main focuses:

  • Cost-Share Programs (VACS) to assist agricultural producers in obtaining monetary relief for taking steps to improve their land’s conservation
  • Education & Outreach to connect with individuals within the community, increase awareness of conservation, and provide youth with the chance to explore their love of natural sciences
  • Cost-Share Programs (VCAP) to assist residential/urban landowners in acquiring monetary relief for taking steps to improve stormwater management and conservation in their area
  • Maintain and improve Flood Water Control Dams, reducing the community’s risk of flooding and providing a functional area for people to enjoy