Rain gardens are becoming popular in residential settings. Benefits of having a rain garden in your yard or community can include:

  • Helping keep water clean by filtering rainwater runoff before it reaches local waterways.
  • Helping protect communities from flooding and drainage problems.
  • Replenishing area aquifers by increasing the amount of water filtering into the ground.
  • Enhancing the beauty of yards and communities.
  • Providing habitats for wildlife, from birds to butterflies.
  • Increase beneficial insects that eliminate pest insects.

Eligible Components

  • Soil testing
  • Excavation
  • Grading/amending soil
  • Plants
  • Seed
  • Installation costs (planting/seeding)
  • Compost
  • Mulch
  • Pre-treatment costs
  • Engineered soil
  • Underdrain components (pipe, stone) when necessary

Cost Share and/or Tax Credit Rates

  • Applicants, including any entity or member of the same household, will be limited to $50,000.00 in cost share

  • Permit fees are not an eligible component cost for any practice and therefore cannot receive cost-share

  • For specific amounts, contact the district office

 Learn to make a rain garden for your home with these 10 simple tips here!

Contact the District to learn more!