We hope you will find these links to related resources helpful.
- DCR (Virginia Dept. of Conservation & Recreation)
- DEQ (Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality)
- DGIF (Virginia Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries)
- DOF (Virginia Dept. of Forestry)
- NRCS (USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service)
- USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture)
- VASWCD (Virginia Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts)
- VDH (Virginia Dept. of Health)
- USFS (USDA’s US Forest Service)
- Augusta County
- City of Staunton
- City of Waynesboro
- Friends of Middle River
- Friends of Shenandoah River
- Shenandoah Valley Pure Water Forum
- South River Science Team
- Virginia Cooperative Extension – VA Tech
- Riverfest
- Valley Conservation Council